The Asia Pacific Postal College, or APPC, is established in 1970 in Bangkok, Thailand, under the Asia Pacific Postal Union. The APPC is an education and training-specialized institute for postal employees with a mission of the development in postal services. The KPHI offers a short-term overseas training opportunities at the APPC by selecting about 30 employees every year in postal and management sectors. The APPC-initiated training programs help the participants to acquire knowledge in postal sector, exchange information with those from other Posts in the region, and enjoy chances for friendship and cultural experiences.
Upon the request by the India Postal College, the KPHI runs a customized training course every year to enhance competence for India Post’s probationers. Applying our IT-based Postal Service & Strategy Development module, we devised the PSSD program for a short-term local training curriculum to the participants from India Post, which has been boosting exchange and cooperation between Korea and India in the postal sector.
The KPHI provides global training courses under business cooperation with the Korea International Cooperation Agency, with a view to nurturing problem-solving skills for independent developments in developing countries. With this goal, the courses aim at sharing Korea’s experiences and knowhow on national developments and supporting talent-nurturing and improvements in policies & systems. They help strengthen the manpower & institutional network with developing countries, and also promote our national brand image.